Step 4 - Configurations

Configure drop-in calls and bookings 

Activate and configure drop-in calls and bookings for your account

Permissions needed for access: 
You need to be an Owner or have developer permission in order to change these configurations.


You can find these settings in the Dashboard under: 

  • Settings
  • Configurations 

How to activate Drop-ins and Bookings


When you enable Drop-in, the drop-in option will be shown in the Call widget.

For drop-in calls, you can customise what queue position to display to customers when they are in line for a call. 


  • Place in queue
  • Number of agents online
  • Estimated waiting time

Configure what metrics to show shoppers for the drop-in option here:


When Bookings is enabled, you can configure if you want the booking option to display in the Bambuser Call widget or in an iframe. 

Choose your booking system:

You can select if you want to set up Bambuser bookings or connect with an External booking system

  • Bambuser booking system
  • Other (connect to a third-party external booking system)

Please note that you might want to hide the booking widget if you haven't set up your bookable services and resources.



Booking CTA options:

  • Embedded in Call widget (this is needed for Bambuser bookings)

  • Landing URL / Connection links configurations