Add and remove products from a show

Learn how to add and remove products from your live show

Products are what set Bambuser apart from other live streaming apps. It’s really easy to start adding and promoting products in your live shopping events: just follow the steps below.

Add products to a show

From the dashboard, choose the show you want to add products to. If you haven’t created the show yet, click the +CREATE NEW SHOW button at the top-right corner of the screen. Either way, you’ll be taken to the Setup screen. 

On the right-hand side of the Setup screen is a heading called Products. This is where you will add, remove, and modify the products that will be shown during your live show.  

To add a product:

  1. Go to your website and copy the URL of the product page
  2. Paste the URL into the Add product url(s) field
  3. Click the plus (+) icon or press the enter/return key on your keyboard

Bambuser will take the product data from your ecommerce site and use it to populate the product listing. This includes:

  • A thumbnail image URL
  • A product name or title
  • A brand name
  • A reference value (often the SKU, or if it does not exist, the product URL)

In order to scrape product information, we look for data schema as well as og: meta tags. 


If no thumbnail or other information could be fetched when adding products, please contact us.

It can take a few seconds to scrape the data and build the product in the dashboard. Once the product is added, you will see it on the right-hand side of the screen, under the Products heading. 

Only products listed under the Products heading can be highlighted during the live show, but you can add, remove, and modify products at any time (even while live). Learn more about highlighting products‍ here. 

Adding multiple products at once

You can add multiple product URLs at the same time: Just copy all the URLS into a list (each URL on a separate line) and paste them into the Add product url(s) field. 

Adding products while live

You can add, remove, and modify products while your broadcast is live. 

Modifying product information

Once a product has been added to a show, you can click on the pencil icon to open and modify the product listing. You can edit the following product information:

  • Title: Change the name or title of the product. 
  • Thumbnail: Specify a different thumbnail image to be displayed with the product information. 
  • Brand: If you're planning a show featuring multiple brands, you can use this section to add a brand name to your product. 
  • Product reference: If you want to specify a different SKU, you can do so here. 
  • Public URL: You cannot change the URL of the product. If you want to specify a different URL for a product, remove the existing product and re-add it with the correct URL. 


If you would like to add or modify product information even more, please see our Player API Reference.‍ 

Add manually

You have the ability to add products manually below the URL section: 

Best practices for adding products

We recommend only including the products that will be discussed, highlighted or modeled, so as to not overwhelm the audience. 

The order of the products in the dashboard is the same order that the products will be displayed in the live stream. If you want to change the product order, just click and drag. 

There is no limit to the number of products that can be added to a show, but all of the products on the list can be seen by viewers. 

If needed, you can add or remove products during a live show.  

Removing products from a show

To remove a product from a show, just click on the X in the product listing.