Preparing a drop-in call

Who can use this feature?

  • Users on any plan
  • Users with Agent permission role. 

Brief overview

You can access the Agent tool under Dashboard > One-to-One > Agent Tool. This tool is created for agents to successfully manage one-to-one meetings. 

The following sections describe what this tool offers.

Entering a call 

As an agent, you can create, participate and moderate products in a call.


  • Toggle yourself to online in the top right corner
  • Select which queue(s) from which you would like to receive calls from
  • Once somebody calls in, you will see a notification by the queue they are calling from
  • Enter the call by clicking Accept call

On top of viewers entering a call directly from the widget on your website, there is also a possibility to generate a link for them which will automatically open the widget and place them in a queue that you specify.

  • Click New meeting on the top right corner
  • Select a queue
  • Click on generate button



By default, the link will be generated on your sandbox domain. To change that, send a URL of a page where the widget will be embedded to Bambuser staff.